She had not wanted to go to the conference, but her manager insisted she went. Time away from her beloved home, time she could not spend how she chose to, everything about the weekend conference was organised to a tee, all hours fully accounted for, not time for her to be her. Since the relationship ended some six months ago, she'd gotten so use to being on her own in the evenings, and really looked forward to the weekends where she could chose what she did. Usually it would involve a trip to the coast, a walk along the sandy beach, watching her dog racing against the wind. The office and all the crap about living alone all left behind, all the crap about the relationship she'd come out of, all left behind, something she'd worked hard on doing, so much hurt had been caused by his betrayal. She thought she'd been everything he wanted, everything she'd given to him, she'd given so willingly, maybe too willingly, and that was the problem?
She didn't know, but what she knew was that he's always served himself well when it came to sex, always, he'd ensured his pleasure, ensured his needs were met, allowing him to do things they had never discussed, but where he'd simply gone ahead blindly, ignoring her views and ignoring her need to be satisfied and pleasured. She'd allowed him to blindfold her, tie her wrists to the bed posts, while he fucked her, allowing him to cum all over her, making her feel like rubbish, worthless, when she'd caught the glimpse of his expression while he jacked off over her, it was one of contempt, she didn't understand this, if only he'd have spoken with her, there were things she wanted to experience, regular orgasms for one! But there were things she'd read about and would love to have tried out, branched out and learned with him, but no, he'd other plans, too much of a misogynist to listen to her.
She'd found out that he'd been visiting an escort and was tasting his pleasures there, why did he do that ? Why had he never taken the time to explore her body, taken time to allow her orgasmic pleasures, instead he'd castigated her for being large, telling her constantly that she wasn't sexually attractive and that she was no good.....
But she'd decided that was not good for her and she'd left him, but she was missing the physical contact with a lover, self pleasuring was all well and good, but nowhere on the same scale of things, and she'd worked hard to get over his betrayal and the way she'd been treated, and had come to terms with it being just her now, placing it firmly where it belonged, in the past, but still something was missed, that feeling gnawed at her from time to time.......
She'd attended all the lunches and seminars, and this was the final dinner, it had been a wonderful evening dinner, she was sat with 11 other people at a huge round table, yet felt so very lonely. The men either side of her chatted inanely all evening, trivialities prevailed and she struggled to remain polite, what was eating her was the couples, dotted around, all 'lovey-dovey', warm and romantic, swept away by the grandeur of the place and the free champagne that wasn't in short supply. She'd eaten fairly well and not drunk very much, she liked to have a clear head at all times, especially when she had reports to write the next morning!
She retired to her room at the stroke of midnight, a wind was howling outside, rattling the panes of glass gently in the long windows, she looked outside, nothing, she saw nothingness, just blackness, a still, inky blackness, enveloping everything in the outside world. Oliterationg the trees and gardens below. She reflected on how this deep darkness epitomised her emptiness, an all consuming blackness, never ending....
She dropped the the curtain back into place and the fire crackled softly in the huge fireplace, a warm glow filled the room and she saw a flask of hot milk had been delivered to her room. She rather liked the conferences that took place in these old country mansions, they had so much more character than a standard hotel, with their cloned rooms, all identical except for the number on the door, all anonymous and impersonal. This place was beautiful, all the rooms were different, she'd been lucky and gotten one of the newly decorated rooms. Burgundies and pinks filled the room, giving it a warmth of its own, heavy velvet drapes cascaded down from the ceilings, ensuring the room was free of drafts when the weather was inclement. Gilt framed pictures of previous inhabitants filled the walls, with gilt framed mirrors placed in such a way as to give a different slant to the pictures, making some of them appear to be looking right at her. Textures were in abundance all around her, soft velvets, flocked wallpapers, crystal lights sparkling, catching the light from within them as well as the flicker of the flames from the fire. Lace drapes fell in swathes either side of the bed, a huge thing, could have easily have slept four, she felt like the Princess and the Pea princess laying in the vast deep mattress and surrounded by the luxurious pillows.
She undressed, stepping out of the black sheath dress she'd bought for the occasion, couldnt go wrong with a black dress, and being of a curvaceous disposition, she felt confident in it, scuplting her outline to enhance her ample assets, she still felt like a real woman, he hadn't eroded that from her! She always wore beautiful underwear, it was what kept her feeling good about herself. She took the dress and hung it on the hanger, standing back, she caught herself in the long mirror near to the ensuite bathroom, beautiful black lace in abundance here, a beautiful silk and lace bra, underwired to give her ample breasts support and to also give them the best support and shape, she stood there, looking at herself, a clear line of cleavage existed, thats what her neighbours at the table had enjoyed looking at while they chatted, she liked that, made her feel strong, good firm large breasts and a good cleavage, how many times had she dipped those down in the ofifce to get results? She smiled and began to look down herself, matching knickers, all lace, cut high at the sides and at the back, forming almost a directional arrow down to her arse, half covered in the silk lace, half naked, she liked the feeling of her buttocks being half naked under a sombre dress....stockings held up with suspenders completed the ensemble, she stood there, posing and smiling to herself, she was a sexy woman still, why was she alone though?
She slowly removed all items, and stood there looking at herself, she'd often thought maybe she should diet?, maybe she'd find someone to love her then, but she also disagreed with the media pressure, a shiver passed over her, and she grabbed the chiffon robe from the back of the chair and settled on the chaise longue with a mug of steaming hot milk that had been left in a flask by the night service staff. She added a dash of brandy and a smattering of sugar, this would help her sleep, she still hated sleeping alone, the lonely nights, not having anyone to cuddle up to her, no one to make love to her, no one to tell her how beautiful she was anymore. She snuggled under the warm throw, her hands cupping the hot mug and began to feel a little sleepy as she recollected the evening............her eyes dropping a little, she lay back and relaxed.......
She thought she felt a hand touch her face, softly, it felt like someone tracing a finger tip down her cheek and neck, she lay there, enjoying the feeling of being touched once more. She stirred, puzzled, and then coming to slightly, she wondered what was going on but came to the conclusion it was a dream, a dream beginning in that delicious place between awake and sleep, the twilight zone....she sipped a little more of the hot milk, draining the last drops from the mug, and closed her eyes again, totally relaxed and worn out, she really couldn't move and did'nt want to, it was like a psell had been cast, willing her to lay back and allow sleep to envelop her....
She felt the touch again, soft, she just knew it was a mans touch, a smell was detectable, just, very faintly, a strange smell, like nothing she'd smelled before, she couldnt work out what the consituents were, but traces of vanilla, musk, lemon, herbs, lavendar, all a strange mix, but definately there filling her nostrils from time to time, then fading away to almost nothing. The finger tips continued to trace across her face, down her cheek, down her neck, unwavering as it moved down, she never moved a muscle, the sensation was one she didn't want to lose again....
She stretched her neck slightly, not daring to move, in case it stopped again, she wanted this dream, this feeling, to go on and on.......
She didn't know, but what she knew was that he's always served himself well when it came to sex, always, he'd ensured his pleasure, ensured his needs were met, allowing him to do things they had never discussed, but where he'd simply gone ahead blindly, ignoring her views and ignoring her need to be satisfied and pleasured. She'd allowed him to blindfold her, tie her wrists to the bed posts, while he fucked her, allowing him to cum all over her, making her feel like rubbish, worthless, when she'd caught the glimpse of his expression while he jacked off over her, it was one of contempt, she didn't understand this, if only he'd have spoken with her, there were things she wanted to experience, regular orgasms for one! But there were things she'd read about and would love to have tried out, branched out and learned with him, but no, he'd other plans, too much of a misogynist to listen to her.
She'd found out that he'd been visiting an escort and was tasting his pleasures there, why did he do that ? Why had he never taken the time to explore her body, taken time to allow her orgasmic pleasures, instead he'd castigated her for being large, telling her constantly that she wasn't sexually attractive and that she was no good.....
But she'd decided that was not good for her and she'd left him, but she was missing the physical contact with a lover, self pleasuring was all well and good, but nowhere on the same scale of things, and she'd worked hard to get over his betrayal and the way she'd been treated, and had come to terms with it being just her now, placing it firmly where it belonged, in the past, but still something was missed, that feeling gnawed at her from time to time.......
She'd attended all the lunches and seminars, and this was the final dinner, it had been a wonderful evening dinner, she was sat with 11 other people at a huge round table, yet felt so very lonely. The men either side of her chatted inanely all evening, trivialities prevailed and she struggled to remain polite, what was eating her was the couples, dotted around, all 'lovey-dovey', warm and romantic, swept away by the grandeur of the place and the free champagne that wasn't in short supply. She'd eaten fairly well and not drunk very much, she liked to have a clear head at all times, especially when she had reports to write the next morning!
She retired to her room at the stroke of midnight, a wind was howling outside, rattling the panes of glass gently in the long windows, she looked outside, nothing, she saw nothingness, just blackness, a still, inky blackness, enveloping everything in the outside world. Oliterationg the trees and gardens below. She reflected on how this deep darkness epitomised her emptiness, an all consuming blackness, never ending....
She dropped the the curtain back into place and the fire crackled softly in the huge fireplace, a warm glow filled the room and she saw a flask of hot milk had been delivered to her room. She rather liked the conferences that took place in these old country mansions, they had so much more character than a standard hotel, with their cloned rooms, all identical except for the number on the door, all anonymous and impersonal. This place was beautiful, all the rooms were different, she'd been lucky and gotten one of the newly decorated rooms. Burgundies and pinks filled the room, giving it a warmth of its own, heavy velvet drapes cascaded down from the ceilings, ensuring the room was free of drafts when the weather was inclement. Gilt framed pictures of previous inhabitants filled the walls, with gilt framed mirrors placed in such a way as to give a different slant to the pictures, making some of them appear to be looking right at her. Textures were in abundance all around her, soft velvets, flocked wallpapers, crystal lights sparkling, catching the light from within them as well as the flicker of the flames from the fire. Lace drapes fell in swathes either side of the bed, a huge thing, could have easily have slept four, she felt like the Princess and the Pea princess laying in the vast deep mattress and surrounded by the luxurious pillows.
She undressed, stepping out of the black sheath dress she'd bought for the occasion, couldnt go wrong with a black dress, and being of a curvaceous disposition, she felt confident in it, scuplting her outline to enhance her ample assets, she still felt like a real woman, he hadn't eroded that from her! She always wore beautiful underwear, it was what kept her feeling good about herself. She took the dress and hung it on the hanger, standing back, she caught herself in the long mirror near to the ensuite bathroom, beautiful black lace in abundance here, a beautiful silk and lace bra, underwired to give her ample breasts support and to also give them the best support and shape, she stood there, looking at herself, a clear line of cleavage existed, thats what her neighbours at the table had enjoyed looking at while they chatted, she liked that, made her feel strong, good firm large breasts and a good cleavage, how many times had she dipped those down in the ofifce to get results? She smiled and began to look down herself, matching knickers, all lace, cut high at the sides and at the back, forming almost a directional arrow down to her arse, half covered in the silk lace, half naked, she liked the feeling of her buttocks being half naked under a sombre dress....stockings held up with suspenders completed the ensemble, she stood there, posing and smiling to herself, she was a sexy woman still, why was she alone though?
She slowly removed all items, and stood there looking at herself, she'd often thought maybe she should diet?, maybe she'd find someone to love her then, but she also disagreed with the media pressure, a shiver passed over her, and she grabbed the chiffon robe from the back of the chair and settled on the chaise longue with a mug of steaming hot milk that had been left in a flask by the night service staff. She added a dash of brandy and a smattering of sugar, this would help her sleep, she still hated sleeping alone, the lonely nights, not having anyone to cuddle up to her, no one to make love to her, no one to tell her how beautiful she was anymore. She snuggled under the warm throw, her hands cupping the hot mug and began to feel a little sleepy as she recollected the evening............her eyes dropping a little, she lay back and relaxed.......
She thought she felt a hand touch her face, softly, it felt like someone tracing a finger tip down her cheek and neck, she lay there, enjoying the feeling of being touched once more. She stirred, puzzled, and then coming to slightly, she wondered what was going on but came to the conclusion it was a dream, a dream beginning in that delicious place between awake and sleep, the twilight zone....she sipped a little more of the hot milk, draining the last drops from the mug, and closed her eyes again, totally relaxed and worn out, she really couldn't move and did'nt want to, it was like a psell had been cast, willing her to lay back and allow sleep to envelop her....
She felt the touch again, soft, she just knew it was a mans touch, a smell was detectable, just, very faintly, a strange smell, like nothing she'd smelled before, she couldnt work out what the consituents were, but traces of vanilla, musk, lemon, herbs, lavendar, all a strange mix, but definately there filling her nostrils from time to time, then fading away to almost nothing. The finger tips continued to trace across her face, down her cheek, down her neck, unwavering as it moved down, she never moved a muscle, the sensation was one she didn't want to lose again....
She stretched her neck slightly, not daring to move, in case it stopped again, she wanted this dream, this feeling, to go on and on.......
The finger tracing along her, began to be more daring, she felt the robe being opened slightly, not enough to expose her breast, but enough to show that delightful place between them, the touch prevailed, shifting down, between her breasts now, she sighed, she wanted a firmer, more urgent touch.....thinking again, no, this needs to be kept slow, slow and sensual, slow and delightful, a sensual pleasure.
More pressure was being felt by her, covering a larger area, must be a hand, she thought, yes, a hand now....moving over her soft belly, almost to her pussy, but coming back to her midline, the midline between her breasts, and then lifting gently, as the sensation enveloped her breast, she gasped, it was something she'd anticipated for so very long, holding her breast firmly, slowly massaging it, reaching for the nub of her nipple, she felt her robe slip away from both shoulders as what felt like a firm pair of hands took both breasts, holding them together, rolling them slightly as a finger and thumb delighted her hardened nipples, she moaned softly, rising her breasts towards the entity embracing them, she felt hotness at her left nipple, then the feeling of a tongue, wrapping itself around her engorged bud, she continued to feel her breasts being massaged and suckled, gently, each in turn, teeth just grazing over the deep pink nipple and areola, all puckered and hard with excitement. She felt one breast become free, and the sensation of a hand over her rounded belly again. She'd parted her legs some time ago, a reaction to the attention her breasts were receiving, a natural reaction in anticipation of fucking...........
She felt the glow of the fire on one side of her face as she turned, she wanted to open her eyes, she wasn't sure this was a dream now, she began to experience a little sound, breathing that wasn't hers, but her eyes wouldn't comply, this was too gentle and sensuous to be rape, she allowed the entity to continue, she was feeling like she was in the twilight of sleep, aware but not aware, but aware of how she felt and wanted to feel....... her mind couldn't work through this, an internal battle to focus, to wake up and to simply accept what was happening and to relish, to savour every touch, every sensation.......
She felt herself being swept up, being lifted with ease, she couldn't resist, she was helpless, totally helpless. She went to speak, and tried again to open her eyes, nothing! Nothing came out of her mouth, she finally managed to open her eyes very slightly, reminiscent of being blindfolded by him all that time ago, but this was different, he'd never shown her any feeling, no sensuality, this was different!
She felt the glow of the fire on one side of her face as she turned, she wanted to open her eyes, she wasn't sure this was a dream now, she began to experience a little sound, breathing that wasn't hers, but her eyes wouldn't comply, this was too gentle and sensuous to be rape, she allowed the entity to continue, she was feeling like she was in the twilight of sleep, aware but not aware, but aware of how she felt and wanted to feel....... her mind couldn't work through this, an internal battle to focus, to wake up and to simply accept what was happening and to relish, to savour every touch, every sensation.......
She felt herself being swept up, being lifted with ease, she couldn't resist, she was helpless, totally helpless. She went to speak, and tried again to open her eyes, nothing! Nothing came out of her mouth, she finally managed to open her eyes very slightly, reminiscent of being blindfolded by him all that time ago, but this was different, he'd never shown her any feeling, no sensuality, this was different!
She saw nothing, absolute blackness, just like she'd seen outside the window earlier. She felt somehow, safe, she felt the strength of the arms carrying her, gripping her so she felt safe, she knew she was moving forward, she felt the breeze on her face, then she realised, she felt the breeze over her whole body, she was naked! She tried to reach out with her hands, she couldn't move anything, helpless, nothing worked, all she could do was allow herself to be taken..........
She felt them move down, steps she thought, definate thuds in the steps, but not hard, her carrier wasn't wearing shoes, must be barefooted, she thought, she also felt the heat from the body carrying her, and that strange scent again, she couldn't work it out. She felt herself being laid out , it was warm and cosy beneath her, soft and enveloping, she felt herself settle into the softness and relax again.
She felt the hands moving over her again, so consuming, she wanted to be taken, her pussy stirred as she felt a hand moving towards her wetness, she parted her legs, raising her knees slightly, she felt air hit her wet pussy as the lips of her moist cunt parted, the hand slipped there, she felt it slide over her clit and dip into the pool of her femininity, dipping in so very slowly and gently, she almost felt her cunt lengthen in anticipation, she felt herself being stirred, a thumb ingratiated itself over her hardened clit, sending shockwaves through her, as the fingers dipped into her, one finger to begin with, then she felt a stretch as another slipped in, probing her, far more deeply than her pussy had ever been fingered before, she was sure her cunt was completely full, something that hadn't happened with her lovers before, fingers not long enough for starters......they worked their way in and out of her, probing her, stretching her, a third and fourth now, she assumed this to be as she felt she was being stretched in stages, then she felt then reducing, and her G spot was being located, fingers were beckoning her to 'cum hither' they would not be disappointed, she felt that sensation of needing to pee, she knew it was her 'sweet spot' and that she would cum soon, a different cum too, she moaned softly as she began to reach this climax, a different feeling of orgasm this way, so very enjoyable, but a more shallow feeling, not the deep-seated rythmic waves of a clitoral orgasm...she felt her peak reached and a sensation of hotness spread down her buttocks, she knew she'd gushed slightly, this always worried here, she never really knew if it was pee or not.
She felt the hands moving over her again, so consuming, she wanted to be taken, her pussy stirred as she felt a hand moving towards her wetness, she parted her legs, raising her knees slightly, she felt air hit her wet pussy as the lips of her moist cunt parted, the hand slipped there, she felt it slide over her clit and dip into the pool of her femininity, dipping in so very slowly and gently, she almost felt her cunt lengthen in anticipation, she felt herself being stirred, a thumb ingratiated itself over her hardened clit, sending shockwaves through her, as the fingers dipped into her, one finger to begin with, then she felt a stretch as another slipped in, probing her, far more deeply than her pussy had ever been fingered before, she was sure her cunt was completely full, something that hadn't happened with her lovers before, fingers not long enough for starters......they worked their way in and out of her, probing her, stretching her, a third and fourth now, she assumed this to be as she felt she was being stretched in stages, then she felt then reducing, and her G spot was being located, fingers were beckoning her to 'cum hither' they would not be disappointed, she felt that sensation of needing to pee, she knew it was her 'sweet spot' and that she would cum soon, a different cum too, she moaned softly as she began to reach this climax, a different feeling of orgasm this way, so very enjoyable, but a more shallow feeling, not the deep-seated rythmic waves of a clitoral orgasm...she felt her peak reached and a sensation of hotness spread down her buttocks, she knew she'd gushed slightly, this always worried here, she never really knew if it was pee or not.
The hotness began to fade, but then, replaced with another as something lapped at her, like a cat with a saucer of cream, dipping and flickering a tongue searching and finding every last drop she'd emitted, parting her buttocks, the tongue wormed its way to her puckered arse, and flickered around, no one had even been there before, while it seemed the most natural thing to do, it was off her comfort scale....
The hand pushed its way between her legs again, prising apart the milky white thighs, it began to finger her clit, teasing it, before she felt hot breath on her pussy, fingers parted her lips wide, holding them back, wide open, like she'd never been opened before, stretching her lips wide, it made her clit stand even more proud of her body, more accessible and more sensitive to touch, she felt a very pointed tongue trickled itself over her, flickering over the bud of her clit, she tried to move her hands, she wanted to feel whatever was doing this to her, she still couldn't move, her head was swimming, something in the back of her mind said this was wrong, it wasn't love, but the biggest part of her mind was telling her to take everything, savour and enjoy. This tongue, well she thought it was a tongue by the deft way it traced around her, darting in and out, drinking from her cup of Venus. A very muscular organ indeed, probed her further, reaching into her further than any tongue before, she could feel hands holding her pussy lips and thighs apart, it could only be a tongue........ Couldn't it?.......
Its position changed, and she felt her cunt being probed again by individual digits, beginning the process of stretching her again, she'd contracted after her orgasm. A finger, then another, then a warm trickling sensation, her cunt flooded with juices, never before had she been so aroused.........before she felt stretched again, and on the edge of pain, resistance was evident, she had her cunt full of fingers, the whole hand was trying to gain entry into her most secret place...she felt herself tensing up, then pain there as she did so, fear crept into her, fear she may tear, fear she may suffer, she wanted to speak but couldn't, she wanted to move but she couldn't move her arms, she wanted to reach out so very much, and feel what was doing this to her, she felt she wanted to bring her legs together to stop this, but couldn't do that either, her legs were being held wide and by something very strong indeed, not an inch, nothing, she was exposed, wide open, what could she do? She had no choice but to relax, let it take here again....resistance at her cunt entrance prevailed, until she took a deep breath in, and exhaled slowly, relaxing her grip, and in it slid, filling her completely, pushing at her, pushing in and up into her so deep now, the other hand moved back to her clit and began to torment her, she was so aroused, a few strokes and she'd be flying again....it knew that, and finished her, teasing and tormenting her clit and cunt to submisison, it took her there, to an orgasm that lasted and lasted, she felt so overwhelmed by sensation, a a high, this must be what drugs do to people she thought, this could so easily become an addiction....she felt everything leave her, nothing touched her any longer, her heart thumping so furiously inside her chest, her ears filled with the sound and her breathing so very hard..... Slowly she calmed, she was alone, nothing there, something had touched her and had slipped away? She didn't know....she felt she could open her eyes now, but all she saw was the inky blackness, nothing, warmth surrounded her, softness under her, feelings of confusion, delight, sadness, swept over her, she wanted to cry, tears pricked at her eyes, stinging her, an overwhelming rush of emotions rushed through her.
Slowly, she drifted off into sleep, as her heart rate slowed, and allowed her to slip away.
She began to hear a few noises in the distance, she tried to move her leg, stretching one out, she slipped from under the throw and felt the cold air of the morning, she opened her eyes, and lay there, still on the chaise longue, recalling snippets of the night, she couldn't piece it together at first, it was all disjointed, and fragmented, feelings rose within her, of disgust, of sexual excitement, of lust, feelings she'd not had for a long time, a very long time indeed, she put her foot back under the throw as she heard the maid bring in the tea, thanking her, she waited until she left the room before trying to get up. She felt stiff, she'd thought she'd fallen asleep in a funny position, all her limbs ached, and her hips too, aches where she'd not had aches before. She reached over and took the poured tea, swinging her legs over, she sat, thats when she felt her sore pussy. She sat on the edge of the sofa, putting a hand between her thighs, she felt sore, but was completely intact, her shoulders ached too, but she was unmarked, this was strange.....
The hand pushed its way between her legs again, prising apart the milky white thighs, it began to finger her clit, teasing it, before she felt hot breath on her pussy, fingers parted her lips wide, holding them back, wide open, like she'd never been opened before, stretching her lips wide, it made her clit stand even more proud of her body, more accessible and more sensitive to touch, she felt a very pointed tongue trickled itself over her, flickering over the bud of her clit, she tried to move her hands, she wanted to feel whatever was doing this to her, she still couldn't move, her head was swimming, something in the back of her mind said this was wrong, it wasn't love, but the biggest part of her mind was telling her to take everything, savour and enjoy. This tongue, well she thought it was a tongue by the deft way it traced around her, darting in and out, drinking from her cup of Venus. A very muscular organ indeed, probed her further, reaching into her further than any tongue before, she could feel hands holding her pussy lips and thighs apart, it could only be a tongue........ Couldn't it?.......
Its position changed, and she felt her cunt being probed again by individual digits, beginning the process of stretching her again, she'd contracted after her orgasm. A finger, then another, then a warm trickling sensation, her cunt flooded with juices, never before had she been so aroused.........before she felt stretched again, and on the edge of pain, resistance was evident, she had her cunt full of fingers, the whole hand was trying to gain entry into her most secret place...she felt herself tensing up, then pain there as she did so, fear crept into her, fear she may tear, fear she may suffer, she wanted to speak but couldn't, she wanted to move but she couldn't move her arms, she wanted to reach out so very much, and feel what was doing this to her, she felt she wanted to bring her legs together to stop this, but couldn't do that either, her legs were being held wide and by something very strong indeed, not an inch, nothing, she was exposed, wide open, what could she do? She had no choice but to relax, let it take here again....resistance at her cunt entrance prevailed, until she took a deep breath in, and exhaled slowly, relaxing her grip, and in it slid, filling her completely, pushing at her, pushing in and up into her so deep now, the other hand moved back to her clit and began to torment her, she was so aroused, a few strokes and she'd be flying again....it knew that, and finished her, teasing and tormenting her clit and cunt to submisison, it took her there, to an orgasm that lasted and lasted, she felt so overwhelmed by sensation, a a high, this must be what drugs do to people she thought, this could so easily become an addiction....she felt everything leave her, nothing touched her any longer, her heart thumping so furiously inside her chest, her ears filled with the sound and her breathing so very hard..... Slowly she calmed, she was alone, nothing there, something had touched her and had slipped away? She didn't know....she felt she could open her eyes now, but all she saw was the inky blackness, nothing, warmth surrounded her, softness under her, feelings of confusion, delight, sadness, swept over her, she wanted to cry, tears pricked at her eyes, stinging her, an overwhelming rush of emotions rushed through her.
Slowly, she drifted off into sleep, as her heart rate slowed, and allowed her to slip away.
She began to hear a few noises in the distance, she tried to move her leg, stretching one out, she slipped from under the throw and felt the cold air of the morning, she opened her eyes, and lay there, still on the chaise longue, recalling snippets of the night, she couldn't piece it together at first, it was all disjointed, and fragmented, feelings rose within her, of disgust, of sexual excitement, of lust, feelings she'd not had for a long time, a very long time indeed, she put her foot back under the throw as she heard the maid bring in the tea, thanking her, she waited until she left the room before trying to get up. She felt stiff, she'd thought she'd fallen asleep in a funny position, all her limbs ached, and her hips too, aches where she'd not had aches before. She reached over and took the poured tea, swinging her legs over, she sat, thats when she felt her sore pussy. She sat on the edge of the sofa, putting a hand between her thighs, she felt sore, but was completely intact, her shoulders ached too, but she was unmarked, this was strange.....
She sat there, sipping the tea, her mind a complete mess, she'd thought she'd just had a weird dream, but if so, why on earth did she ache so much? There was no sign of anyone else there, no sign anyone had ever been there, she was the only one with a cardkey for the room, except the maid of course, and room service, but she'd not seen them since the previous day, until the morning maid brought the tea tray for her.
She'd not drunk too much the night before to not know what she'd been doing, just a couple of glasses of champagne, that wasn't excessive, but this feeling, these symptoms, the dream, all seemed so very vivid, as time went on while she drank the tea, flashbacks were coming into her mind, clear and vivid, the sensations, the stirrings, the scent, temperatures, all coming back but not in order yet......
....Closing her eyes, she was back in the thick of things again, then she recalled the feeling of a hand entering her, feelings of lust and desire, the sensation of her clit being licked to submission, so real, yet, it was obvious, she'd not left the room......the more she thought about it, the more it came back, and the better she could put it into order, as she did so, she felt her cunt twitching again, her clit stirring, her nipples extending....puting the cup back onto the tray, she lay back under the throw again, but this time, with her hand slipping between her thighs.....she didn't want to, but she felt compelled to stroke herself, she couldn't stop, physically, she couldn't stop.....
She felt her cunt slowly, the labia, swollen, parting their ways to allow her fingers to find her clitoral bud, begging to be touched, she dipped her two fingers into her cunt, she was still sore there, not painful, but enough to remind her she'd been invaded and satisfied.....her cunt was sopping wet, far more wet than when she was normally aroused, for a split second, it reminded her of the feeling after she'd been fucked hard for a weekend with a former boyfriend, one who'd screwed her for hours, filling her pussy til she dripped with him, she felt her heart quicken at the thought of that time, he'd been a good fuck, but a useless partner, and how he'd fucked her so very well, and he loved to take photo's of her pussy with his cum dripping from her....but he'd gone, and she was here......and so was a sore, fat pussy that was begging to be fulfilled yet again......she lifted her knees and allowed them to drop, exposing her cunt wider, her pussy lips parting in this position, slipping her fingers in and out of her sopping cunt, she found her left nipple, and squeezed it, they were tender too, what the fuck had gone on?
With her legs parted wide, and her pussy so wet, her mind filled with the snapshots of the night, and she wanted to feel like that again, she needed to feel like that again!
She finger fucked herself, faster and faster, ramming her hand into her soft, plump lips, her red cunt walls welcoming her administrations, her other hand left her breast, and shot to her clit, fuck! She was going to cum....going to climax again, and it was building, she was willing for her fingers to give her release, but the feelings of almost climaxing so intense, the feelings so exquisite, so intense.
"Please" she cried out "pleeeeease" She begged herself to climax, desperate, she fucked herself, three fingers, then a fourth, her clit busting, wanting to explode, but it just wouldn't... she couldn't do this any longer, the muscles in her forearms hot and ready to burst, she physically couldn't climax, what the hell was going on here?.......
To be continued