And so, I drove to the pub where we'd arranged to meet, as I pulled in, I saw him stood leaning up against his car, arms folded, now wearing jeans and an open necked shirt, shit he looked delicious!
As I drew closer, he saw me, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what I was driving. I had my pride and joy, a Ford Streetka. I loved my car and it made me feel good driving it. He began walking over to my car parking space to have a look, beaming broadly, he simply looked and went "WOW" He commented I looked very sexy and what a car to be sexy in! I stayed quiet, taking in all what I was seeing, reading the body language, watching his face for signs of mickey-taking, I was still hesitant to say the least, to me this was just an transaction, his money for my sons PS games, and a drink thrown in, as well as a little flattery that, If I am totally honest, was doing me the world of good! He smiled at me constantly, his eyes meeting mine so very often, his eyes wide and excited, he smelled wonderful too, a wisp opf hair poked from beneath the shirt, my heart raced when i saw this, combined with his aroma, he exuded sex.....!
He took my hand firmly after I'd locked the car, telling me to leave the games until later, we'd have a drink first, after all it was the start of the weekend... We went into the bar, most people were at the other end having early evening meals, so it was fairly quiet, he ordered the drinks and I went to find a seat. Worried someone may see us, I chose one right tucked away in a corner and sat myself in the corner so I could see who was going by, expecting him to sit opposite. But no, he came and sat beside me, leaning very close, he spoke about how lovely I smelled, at that time I wore a perfume called
I blushed and told him not to be silly, he was a very good looking young man, and I will admit, I would loved to have fucked him, but I knew it wasn't right....but couldn't out my finger on it, I suppose it was simply the age thing and not believing what he said to me.
He told me I had better start believing him, and with that, took my hand and placed it on his crotch, which was absolutley bulging!! I was shocked, I hadn't believed him at all, how could he fake that? Holding my hand over his cock for a few seconds, not allowing me to move other than to give a gentle squeeze, he looked me straight in the eye and told me how he wanted to fuck me, speaking softly, I had to lean into him, his breath was hot on my already red hot neck. Eventually he allowed my hand to move away, and I took a big gulp of wine to try to steady the shakes I had by now!
I felt hot, dizzy, confused, everything was whirling round in my head, here was a good looking young man with a fabulous feeling rock hard cock wanting to fuck me, yes ME!
He sent me to the bar, he couldn't get up from this raging hard-on, but it was a few minutes respite for me to gather my thoughts, had he taken something I wondered, Viagra and its copies were not so prevalent, so I was a shade puzzled. I took the drinks and walked back, he beckoned me to sit beside him again, he was right in the corner. He sat close, and taking my hand again, held it over his cock, still hard, firmly holding my hand over his bulge, laughing with nerves I asked if he'd taken something or had something stuffed down there, he began undoing his zip, sliding my fingers inside, I felt the heat of his body
"Now do you believe me?" he asked.......
I was still so very confused and unsure, but excited, my panties were wet, and I was desperate to slip a hand there but we were in a corner of a public bar....not the right place!
He started whispering in my ear, of exactly what he'd like to do with me, at the same time, his hand slipped under the hem of my skirt and he was barely touching the inside of my thigh, but it felt so electric....he wanted to suckle my breasts, he had imagined how they feel in his hands, soft and supple, the warm flesh yeilding to his touch, the big nipples rising before his eyes, how he wanted to run his tongue all around them before resting to suckle at the pinnacle of my breast, his other hand slipping between my legs, his hand forcing them apart, fingers finding the cleft of my labia, and slipping in between to feel the clit, already hard with this words and whispers.......If I could have lain wide open then, I would have done....I stopped him, I didnt want to make an idiot of myself in public, I didnt give a fuck now, wether he was taking the piss or not, he could break the year long celibacy I had been in, I didnt give a fuck!
He started whispering in my ear, of exactly what he'd like to do with me, at the same time, his hand slipped under the hem of my skirt and he was barely touching the inside of my thigh, but it felt so electric....he wanted to suckle my breasts, he had imagined how they feel in his hands, soft and supple, the warm flesh yeilding to his touch, the big nipples rising before his eyes, how he wanted to run his tongue all around them before resting to suckle at the pinnacle of my breast, his other hand slipping between my legs, his hand forcing them apart, fingers finding the cleft of my labia, and slipping in between to feel the clit, already hard with this words and whispers.......If I could have lain wide open then, I would have done....I stopped him, I didnt want to make an idiot of myself in public, I didnt give a fuck now, wether he was taking the piss or not, he could break the year long celibacy I had been in, I didnt give a fuck!
I moved away, composing myself, and getting my breath, agreeing to change the subject to allow things, and hard ons to settle, we sat there a while, finishing the drinks. No more to drink as we were both driving, we couldn't go to each others houses, his brother and wife were staying with him for the weekend, and my son was at home. We stood outside the car for a while, before I unlocked it and we both sat in, he gave the car a once over, loving it, and gob-smacked that I owned such a sporty car. I think if dogging had been around at the time, thats what we'd have done then, desperate for a good fuck, what a sight that would have been, the older woman in a sports car, with a oyung stud in tow!
I pushed him away, we were still in a very public place and I didnt want to break the year long with a fumble in a car park, despite everything, I was better than that! So he grabbed me and kissed me so very passionatley, telling me I'd see him tomorrow and how we would fuck all afternoon. I hadn't said anything more, I said fair enough, and he left, with no arrangement in place, I was not going to come over clingy and chase.... I was not going to fuel any fires, see what woulod happen and that was it!
I went for a drive to clear my head a little, it didn't really work, and while I sat in the car outside my house, the phone went, another text, thanking me for meeting, but we'd forgotten to exchange the bloody games and money! Just as I was replying that it would wait til Monday now, another text came through, I carried on and sent before reading.....he was telling me how we would see each other the next day and how we would be fucking, hard, how he'd be stroking and licking my pussy..something no one had ever done for me.....shit! I needed to come, I needed to frig myself stupid and get this out of my system! I got in the house and went to the bathroom, I wanted to splash my face with cold water, an icepack for my cunt to halt all feeling there, I needed something to bring me to my senses, thoughts and flashes of the evening were still all over the place....
My son was in his room, when I knocked, he said he was having an early night as wanted to watch some films on TV in his room, shut the door and be quiet was his parting shot!
So, I poured myself a larger glass of wine and sat in my garden with a smoke to wind down. I sat there until it was late, a couple of hours, the bottle nearly all done, as I lived on the outskirts of the city, it was also very dark, the breeze warm and the bugs flying furiously in the light, but I was clearing the mists of confusion, weighing up what I'd said and done, what I'd felt, and literally felt......
I'd heard the text message bleep time and time again, but ignored them for a while.
I had a shower, a long lingering shower, paying attention to myself, and I was going to rub myself so very slowly while my mind recounted all what had gone on that evening, fuck it, I thought, I;d get something from it even if it was just the fantasy
I had a shower, a long lingering shower, paying attention to myself, and I was going to rub myself so very slowly while my mind recounted all what had gone on that evening, fuck it, I thought, I;d get something from it even if it was just the fantasy
I took another glass of wine to bed, I closed my door and lay down,opening the text box to read what had been sent, there was about five messages,
" I want to fuck you, I want to open your legs and sink my face bewteen them, smelling woman, tasting woman, licking a real woman" I want to fuck you softly and slowly, I wnat to fuck you hard, I want you to ride my hard cock while I grasp your breasts"
"My cock is so hard because of you, I'm going to have to do something, what would you like me to do?"
I replied..." hold your cock in your hand, close your eyes and think of my hand, slowly slowly rubbing you for balls to tip, building up the speed slowly, cupping your balls in one hand, while I slip the end of your cock into my lips....."
" Fucking hell woman, I can't hold back, its hard to text with one hand" " I need to cum, but I want to cum in your cunt and then lick you out as you dribble my juices..." I want to cum over those breasts, to see my cum dripping from those nipples"
A while passes.....
"beep beep"
"Oh my god, I have just cum, bring on the tissues...."
I played with my clit more now, reading the messages, before dropping the phone to complete the scene.....
"beep beep"
"what are you doing?"
I pick up the phone and begin to text back
" I stroked my clit ( had trouble with this as had to enter it into the dictionary)
I felt my cunt getting wetter and slipped three fingers in, tasted and smelled my own cunt juices, before using the wetness over my clit to bring myself to cum!"
I had gone beyond giving a fuck now, I had had too much to drink, was so fucking frustrated and it was by phone, not face to face, I need never see him again, so fuck it!
I carried on texting with one hand, while stroking myself still, he texted back still, deliciously describing what he would do to me, and what he wanted me to do to him, how he wanted to feel his cock in my hands, my mouth and my cunt, how he wanted to fuck me so very slowly, looking into me as he did, and how, after he'd fucked me like that, he would turn me over and fuck me hard from behind, so animalistically, fucking me hard, ramming his cock home into me as he watched in a mirror....my hand was feeling my wet pussy, I couldn't stop, my hand was there and slipping in and out my wet cunt as I read the text messages, then, the phone rang! it was him, asking me what I was doing.......I fumbled a bit, before he came right out and asked if I was masturbating, was I feeling myself, but imagining it was his fingers, his tongue, his hands, his cock?........I admitted I was, this was something I'd never doen to any other living soul, I'd admitted I was masturbating and was on the verge of coming again.....what the hell, I thought, I was still only at the end of the telephone, so why be embarrassed? I carried on, I told him, just how wet I was, and how if I could have pulled my panties off in that bar, I'd have done so, what the fuck I thought!
"Lay down, and lay the phone next to you, on loudspeaker, I can talk to you more then" he said,I did what I was told,
" tell me what you're doing"
"I'm pulling my nipple, right breast, it 's hard and erect ,it feel like there's a direct line of feeling to my cunt" Oh my god, I was now talking so very dirty, another first !...
"My other hand is between my legs, my legs are open so wide, as wide as they can get, my pussy lips are parted wide and my clit is proud of me, the lightest touch is electric"
He continued to talk to me, telling me in that deep voice, what he would do, what he wanted me to do, and I couldn't hold off any longer, and I came, shattering, blocking out all surroundings, everything, I was detached from reality for what seemed ages, I kept on stroking my hardened clit, not wanting it, the feeling to end.....
As reality came back to me, I found the telephone, he was still connected, but quiet, I cut off, thinking he'd gone, I got up and had a shower, I was so hot and sticky, my room smelled of sex, that musky odour of an excited pussy.....After the shower, I went downstair and made a hot drink, It was so very late now, but I wasn't tired, confused still, but not tired, sober too. I took my cup of tea outside and sat a while in the garden again, my sanctuary, all quiet and still. As I smoked and toook the tea, I reflected of exactly what I'd done. A mix of feelings came flooding in, excitement, confusion, pleasure, embarrassment, shame, all sorts whirling aorund my head, this one would take some working through!
" tell me what you're doing"
"I'm pulling my nipple, right breast, it 's hard and erect ,it feel like there's a direct line of feeling to my cunt" Oh my god, I was now talking so very dirty, another first !...
"My other hand is between my legs, my legs are open so wide, as wide as they can get, my pussy lips are parted wide and my clit is proud of me, the lightest touch is electric"
He continued to talk to me, telling me in that deep voice, what he would do, what he wanted me to do, and I couldn't hold off any longer, and I came, shattering, blocking out all surroundings, everything, I was detached from reality for what seemed ages, I kept on stroking my hardened clit, not wanting it, the feeling to end.....
As reality came back to me, I found the telephone, he was still connected, but quiet, I cut off, thinking he'd gone, I got up and had a shower, I was so hot and sticky, my room smelled of sex, that musky odour of an excited pussy.....After the shower, I went downstair and made a hot drink, It was so very late now, but I wasn't tired, confused still, but not tired, sober too. I took my cup of tea outside and sat a while in the garden again, my sanctuary, all quiet and still. As I smoked and toook the tea, I reflected of exactly what I'd done. A mix of feelings came flooding in, excitement, confusion, pleasure, embarrassment, shame, all sorts whirling aorund my head, this one would take some working through!
I went back upstairs after locking up again, and saw I had got a text, he told me he'd come, he'd been masturbating again, I didn't know whether to believe him, but the fantasy that he might have been telling the truth was much more delicious, that he'd been saving it up and had not had sex for ages, .....I played along......then realising the time, told him I'd have to go, I needed to sleep, but how I'd manage that with all this going on in my head, I did'nt know........He told me not to worry, sleep would come when it was ready, and that he'd see me the next day, that was 100%. but as I'd not made any arrangements or told him my address, I passed it off as talk....
Sleep finally came, and so did the dreams, dreams of being fucked, but not by him, by entities of hardened cocks, I remember that dream so very clearly, just hard cocks coming out of the shadows and fucking in all different ways.....waking to that delicious feeling, I felt so turned on again, I had to bring myself to climax again that morning on waking, but that didnt take much doing!
I got up, slipping on my PJ's I got coffee and breakfast ready for us both, my son was off to his fathers later that morning, so I'd have a lazy morning until he'd gone, then I was going to shower and go shopping, to treat myself to somthing nice, I sat on the patio drinking my coffee, smoking as cigarette, recounting the weird night before, waiting for my son to go. His father arrived and off he went, and I locked up and went to take a shower after clearing the kitchen up.....I'd just gotten out of the shower, when the doorbell went, I though it was my son who'd maybe come back for something and forgotten his keys, grabbing my blue floral short wrap, I went downstairs and shouted I was coming.....I couldn't see who was there, in the shadow I could see it was someone the same height as my son, I thought it weird that my son never shouted for me to hurry up, this was his normal manner! I found the keys and unlocked, I stood there speechless for a few seconds, It was the young man!
"How the hell did you know where I lived?" I asked..
"Ahh.....Simple, I knew your name from the email at work, and you'd said which area you lived in, but not which road, but with this car it wasn't hard, I remembered the registration number and watched as your son left.....I drove around, because I was nervous about coming like this" He told me, we stood there, I began to realise the wrap I was wearing was the sheer one, and as I'd just gotten out of the shower, I was a shade chilly, and my nipples were clearly on end!
Within a second, he was inside the house, had taken the keys and put them back in the lock and turned then, Shit! I thought, I'm in trouble!!!!
He must have seen the look of panic across my face, he took hold of me and said he'd told me I would be seeing him, now I was. I relaxed a little, Oh well, I was going to fuck and be fucked, no backing out now......He put his phone and keys down on the dresser in the hall, and took hold of me again, this time, kissing me hard, My God, this boy wasn't fucking kidding, I felt his crotch grind into mine, and his cock harden almost intantaneously....my back against the wall, I was pinned there, his hands grasping at me, he whispered in my ear...
"Oh mmmmyyyyyy......., you're exactly as I thought, exactly as I wanted, I want to fuck you so much....."
The door was locked, and he was there with me, I was going to have the time of my life, he was in my house, and wanted me, but there were things he was going to do for me too.......
To be continued........
1 comment:
I wonder how different this would be, if at all, if the roles were reversed?
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