I don't know, I look in the mirror, what do I see,?
I see someone who thinks and feels 29 but looks another number, grey hairs beginning to appear, pass the dye please! A faint line here and there....Do I look like my mother yet? That thought scares me! Bless her, she's fine, but I'm not ready to be old yet! I carry on looking, bums OK, big, but its OK, thats not sagging, my god, I'll be trailing it behind me if that started to sag! Boobs, well, what can I say, they don't look up at me anymore, they're a bit like points on the compass, one going east, the other west, still, good old M & S can round them up and point them in the right direction, salvageable!
I get the little mirror out, time to inspect the nether regions, not a lot of hair going on down there, luckily, thats still looking OK, does that get wrinkles I wonder?.....I know pubes can go grey, what little bit thats there is still well and truly blonde, I checked!
I do worry about this menopause lark I hear about, all the do's and don'ts of HRT, all the horror stories of pussy going dry, libido going AWOL, night sweats, depressions and so on, I don't want of that thank you very much, especially the libido bit, can do something about the dryness, good old KY in industrial barrels please...night sweats, how the hell will I know if I'm having one of those when I live in South East Spain and its bloody hot? But can the libido issue be resolved? Mind over matter? Does HRT give this back?
I panic at that, for the first time in my life I have a lover I want to shag like medication, twice a day before meals, I'm not ready to give that up, I think thats why I've become this dirty old woman now, writing the erotica and trawling the web for sexy and erotic images and sexually molesting my man whenever I can, I need to cram it all in now in case it goes to pot! The scary thing is......I have no idea when this is going to happen! I need a good orgasm at least 7 times a week, more if I can persuade the poor old sod to come back for more! Will that become a thing of the past? I bloody hope not! Good for the soul is a good orgasm!
When do I stop wearing push up bras or skimpy knickers? When do I stop getting the camera out when we have sex? When do I stop going to the nude beach ( NEVER!! but bet some say it should be abandoned at a 'certain' age), when do I stop wanting to be taken by suprise for an afternoon shag in the woods, or a quickie in the kitchen? I suppose I stop doing it doggy style when my knees give out! Will I suddenyl get an urge to buy sensible pants and beige clothes...arrrggghhhh!
Do pensioners have sex? I wonder to myself, There's a few men get into the news and magazines when they father kiddies at ripe old ages, but what about the women, you only ever get to hear of something remotely connected with it when one of the old dears has a baby, like the Spanish woman, did at 64 or something, ye gads, I couldn't think of anything worse at that age! But no one seems to mention when they are feeling fruity at a ripe old age!! Do they feel fruity at 64?
I don't know, the futures bright but its not orange in this mind, its a scary place, but until things start to happen, I think I'll continue being a dirty minded old woman!
hi sparky, had to have a ready, like it, xx
I loved this... you could be me! :)
libido....... progesterone!
had no libido for years thought it was down to not fancying my husband. then they gave me progesterone and bang cant get enough sex ;-)
mind you had to get rid of the husband first te he he
Night sweats are a bitch. My beloved suffers from them quite badly but ti does mean that at regular intervals she just throws the duvet off and lies naked, spreadeagled on the bed. What's a guy going to do?
As far as the libido thing is concerned, the big 'M' seems to have had the opposite effect as far as I can tell. After a little dip a while back, sex has never been better!
Hey there Fat Controller, you give me hope!
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